My-opic Vision

Up close and personal...

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I hate...

I had to put this down immediately... One thing that I absolutely hate about people is the way they treat their lives - as if its just a mere bloody existence. I just recollect faintly that saying that goes ' if u wanna know the value of a second ask a ...'. I dont remember the saying but I do remember it reinstated the truth that we should value our stay on this earth and yes its a bonus if we can make it worthwhile...

I have major problems with these bloody fatalists (dont really know if there's such a term - but for me it means a bloody good-for-nothing being who proves to be fatal to his/her own life)... yuck! the thought irrtates me beyond limits...
And the moronic determinists who believe that nothing can be changed... forgodssake! Man I wish I could just kidnap them... go to internet options in them and clear their previous history, pages saved and ofcourse the 'cookies' ... and give them a new perspective.. or probably just pinch them hard and tell them to get a life...

You know these cowards like resting in the cocoon so that they don't have to shoulder the reproach for a life led miserably... Trust me, I have felt the need to just stop being just give up... to stop breathing... to die anonymously (secretly wishing that I could see how many people would shed tears... I know thats typical but thats me)... but one look at the world outside gives me n number of reasons to live ... live well....

The other day I had to visit and be with an uncle who was admitted in Tata Memorial Cancer hospital for a minor surgery... After dealing with our share of apprehensions and worries (we were lucky), I looked out and saw this our kinda middleclass man... carrying his five year old kid... who had bald patches... I just looked and the kid smiled... I didnt read anything into it then... I was having one of my 'how-can-you-do-that?' talks with gods... they seemed to listen silently... I got their answer - again a tough one to deal with answer but absolutely clear in its message...

On my way back, I was in an overflowing compartment in the train... I felt claustrophobic with the many blank stares and iron-maiden composure... bloody hell! I thought this was living... the kid was more alive because though its life was cut short by time limit it had moments... and here were people existing in their everyday worries - strongly believing that the word had gone to the dogs and that life was so tough aand what not - ofcourse with your maid taking a day off, you getting late to work, your son scoring just 82%, and growing inflations...
So these were living a worm-like existence... hardly enjoying the rhythm of every second of the clock, oblivious to how the setting sun is not just about time being 6.30pm but how the sky wears different hues - sky blue to deep blue and then a spill of crimson.. darkening further and giving a fiery look to the sky before melting smoothly into the approaching night....

Ya, I know one more of my philosphy 'jhaading' session... Can't help it. Hate to see life being wasted...


Blogger Nirvanicyogi said...

wo..wo...I dont care has just got translated into I hate...okay i guess they fall in the same linear of emotions...thats interesting

well ...all i can say...yes too many things to be fretted the kind of existence we have today...but i think deep down its all about perceptions....maybe a one billion perceptions out there...

bloody fatalists...moronic determinists...wo...wo........i guess the list is not complete...iam sure there must be more of this breed....

hmmm..... the medieval wise men use to say... there are two ways of looking at this is to believe that everything around you is magical...and the other way is to believe and look at things as the way they are...see dammm these medieval wise was still a perception even then...but trust me perception is fun...coz it gives you a choice..

ahhhh....hate...i know...i know...its much easier to befriend it...i guess at times its a much purer emotion..than the other emotions..yes hate rules...i guess its easier to hate ...yeah Hate is the new kingsize emotion... what do you think...lets brand hate....we need to sell it....

okay....good stuff..good stuff....this is quite interesting out here....a combo starring a poet from poetic license..and a columnist from myopic vision......

ahhhhhhhhh..........there is the wise man..fuming at me...dammm...i thought...he was always calm...okay i better run...before he takes me on

...its gonnaa be a trilogy..i think...idontcare..i hate.....and ..............-:)

hey chow....

12:45 PM  
Blogger dusky hues said...

u know what i would love... that people learnt to be more like Jane... thats the connect we all should look at

u miss jane na...

for me hatred - is a kind of helplessness... and anger at that helplessness... and we dont have the time to see the world transform... we do our bit and remain angry...

ya perceptions come from the recesses of our mind.. so this means that we can change people and perception...
hating is damn easy.. i know that.. but when i say i hate i mean to express my desperation... it stems from love... because i love to wish for a beautiful world...

tell the wise man i love it when this space is adorned with the analysis of intellective psychosis... okie

chalo.. bye... and ya i have completed the trilogy
now planning a total retracking .. lets see how it looks


3:26 AM  
Blogger Nirvanicyogi said...

hmmmm jane....i do miss that sweet little thing ...

and yes...the hate is understood

and hey....this is no "analysis" man....i thought it was just holds barred..conversations........:-):-)

Okay....chill...keep writing...


5:37 AM  

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